Jamine Schaefer

RBT, Vocational Rehab Therapy Coordinator

Jamine Schaefer is SBBC’s Vocational Rehab Therapy Coordinator. Jamine has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication and Culture from Indiana University and her Master's degree from Ball State in Applied Behavior Analysis. She began working for SBBC in early 2021.

Jamine is grateful to be a part of a company dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with autism. SBBC has grown considerably since she first started, and Jamine is dedicated to ensuring a quality workplace environment as SBBC continues to expand. Jamine believes that employee stability and personal growth allow staff members to effectively carry out SBBC's mission and ultimately make a positive impact in the lives of the clients we serve.

Jamine was raised in Bedford, Indiana and met her husband while in her second year at IU. They now reside in New Palestine, Indiana with their three children, Piper, Bennett and Saela. They enjoy small town living and are kept busy with a variety of school, church and sports activities with their kids.